Me and the Kids

Me and the Kids

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Game Review of "Shop to Win"

I am always on the lookout for a fun game that also has some sort of learning involved. The kids have so much fun with these types of games that they may sometimes forget that they're learning something! 

So, I was walking the isles of  the Lake Shore Learning Center Store, when I saw this really cute game called "Shop to Win". I thought it would be perfect to help the kids with counting money and also learn the value of using cash when shopping!  (Can you tell I've been through   Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University!)

When we got home, the kids wanted to play it right away. I was going to wait until school, but they REALLY wanted to play, so we all sat around the table and played one game before bed.

It's a pretty easy game to play. You give each player the amount of money that it states in the directions. Then you roll to see who goes first.  The first played rolls the die and moves that many spaces. (you get the idea.)   When you land on the space that says BUY, you can buy one item from that shop.  So this is where the counting money thing comes into play. The goal is to buy something from each store.  During the game, there are spaces on the board where you may lose a money amount or an item.  It was a lot of fun!!

The kids really liked the pieces that came with the game. I had to remind them that these pieces were for the game, not to play with!

Super Boy's first item that he bought was the robot, of course!  This really does wind up and walk! He loves playing with it after he bought it!

Minnie (me) always buys the cat first! She's made it very well known that she wants a real one!

Want one for yourself?  Visit a Lake Shore Learning Center Store by you or go to their website at Lake Shore Learning Center. Type in Shop to Win in the search box.

It teaches the kids how to count money and buy something that they want.
It's a plus for us to teach them to pay with cash!!!
It helps them figure out if they have the correct amount of money to buy the item.

The items prices are cheap, so sometimes there's not much of a challenge for buying an item. (I may change the rules and double some of the prices as they get better with adding money)

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