Me and the Kids

Me and the Kids

Friday, October 4, 2013

Books and Pizza.

I am always on the look out for anything to make my kids want to read, but also making it fun to read.

Last year I was introduced to a reading program that Pizza Hut offers and we loved doing it so much that we're doing it again this year!

I'm sure you have heard it before because it's been around forever!  It's called Book-It and I Love-it!

They're motto is "Read your Heart Out" and believe me, the kids do! We read a couple of times during the day so that the kids can get "points" for reading.  You can go to their website Book-It and there you will find all sorts of printables like door hangers, coloring sheets, reading logs, bookmarks and other fun activities. They have two themes this year.  Dante the Dragon and Diary of a Wimpy Kid.  We choose Dante this year. He's a cute dragon that the kids just love!

I started this year's reading challenge with a coloring sheet of Dante to introduce the kids to him. They just thought he was so cute! (Who wouldn't think a dragon with glasses on while reading a book wasn't cute?)

Then I handed out their reading logs to keep track of all the reading they do for the day, week and month. At the end of the day, before they go to bed, I go over all the books they read that day.  If they met that goal, they get to color in the heart for that day. All the hearts will need to be colored to get their FREE pizza! What a great way to get them to want to read!  It's also something that I look forward to, because we get to go out for lunch!!!!

The kids also got door hangers to hang on their bedroom doors while they're reading so that no one will disturb them!

The Book-It program does work on how many minutes the kids read, so we keep track of that too. We also started reading Charlotte's Web as a before bed routine (which will later turn into an activity) and the kids are loving that as well.  Reading that also counts towards their reading points.

If you haven't tried Book-it as of yet, go on the site and get started! You will love it and so will your kids! Book-It

The kids have additional reading during the day.  After they are finished with their seat work, they can pick out whatever book they want to read. Before lunch, they read a special book that I have picked out for them. After lunch they read a story that is assigned with their lesson and then they also read a book or two for reading/quiet time. Before you know it, those points for the day have really added up!

***When you join Book It, Pizza Hut will mail you a packet with certificates for a free personalize pizza.  Months are October- March.

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